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  • Nicole Magolan

Spoiler Free Review: ‘Avengers: Endgame’

Avengers: Endgame is not just a movie. It’s an event. Seeing it in a packed theater of hardcore Marvel fans is the only way to truly appreciate what is achieved: Endgame is not just the continuation of Infinity War, but the culmination of the sometimes great, sometimes mediocre, but ultimately groundbreaking film franchise.

Even more than Infinity War, this movie is built on the backs of the interwoven stories that came before it, with many many many references and call-backs to the previous twenty-one (!!!) movies. It plays out like a walk through the Avengers greatest hits. Though there are many characters now, this remains an Avengers movie, and pays tribute to the original six heroes. The fan-service is often corny, and Endgame panders to the dedicated audience like no film before it, but you know what? I appreciate it. This movie rewards Marvel fans for being fans, and instead of taking away from the story, the fan-service enhances it. Though, I’m not sure it will all hold up on repeat viewings.

Of course, it has the trademark Marvel flavour: constant quips and jokes that don’t always land; epic battle sequences; emotional character moments. Everyone gets their chance to shine in Endgame, not only the characters, but the actors too — the original six do fantastic work. They truly carry the weight of the story — up to the last second. The climax is an explosive, exhilarating finale, that had my heart pounding and my eyes leaking. This movie doesn’t pull its punches. Take tissues.

To a casual fan I imagine the three hour long movie will drag; there is less fighting and more talking about our feelings than most superhero flicks. It doesn’t always work; I like some characters more than others and some I don’t care enough about to appreciate drawn-out emotional scenes. The story has a slow build, without the non-stop action of Infinity War. But everything that is set up — in Endgame, Infinity War, and throughout the franchise — pays off in extremely satisfying ways. If you care about the characters and are invested in the story, if you’ve dedicated the time to re-watch or marathon the franchise, well, this movie is for you. It’s fun, exciting, heart-wrenching, and not to mention the CGI work is a feast for the eyes. It’s crazy that they attempted to make this film, but it’s utterly insane that they pulled it off.

This isn’t just another Marvel movie; it truly feels like an end to the story of the last ten years. My final rating for Avengers: Endgame is a big ol’ bucket of buttery popcorn and a cup of Coca Cola.

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